Welcome to Buckinghamshire Safeguarding
Hello and welcome to the new joint Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Children Partnership website. We have taken a decision, as a newly formed joint business unit, to take all the good aspects of our separate Safeguarding Adult website and Safeguarding Children website and combine them in one happy place. What you will see is a joint landing page, which you are currently viewing, and then links into our adults and children safeguarding worlds. On the front page you will also find a much simpler way to access any training we offer. By clicking on the Training option, you will be diverted to our Learning Management System where you can view our current training programme and book a place accordingly. All external training will be publicised within the individual Children and Adults sites under their own training page. One of the features of the new website is that it is designed to comply with the new Government Accessibility Regulations that govern how such sites should cater for all individuals in our communities so that the content is easier to see, read and use on a range of devices.
We have added a few new features such as a “news feed” on the front landing page and a joint adults and children’s newsletter. This has been combined with streamlining some of the content to ensure that the material you are searching for is relevant and up to date. Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter mailing list by clicking on the tab above (existing subscribers have already been transferred over) to ensure you don’t miss an edition! Over the next few months we will be continually monitoring the content to ensure that we have got this right but if you have any observations to make please contact the team using the contact details below. We have also made the process of reporting any concerns you may have about adults or children a quick click away.
So whilst we keep a watching eye over the website content and review the material you can search for, I hope that you find what you are looking for easily and that the information points you in the right direction.
Safeguarding Partnership Manager
To keep up-to-date with training opportunities and events, click the link below to sign up to the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter